In The Media

SFA has extensive coverage in television, video and radio. Television broadcasts include National Geographic, 48 hours Mystery, Oprah, The Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, MSNBC, and FOX News. Several podcasts and “live” radio broadcasts have been produced on the BBC, Sirius Radio, and National Public Radio. News publications include TIME, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, New York Post, Psychology Today, Scientific American, Men’s Health, and the Lady’s Home Journal.

Unraveling the mysteries of sleep forensics

Read the article featuring Dr. Michel Cramer Bornemann titled Unraveling the mysteries of sleep forensics in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Download a PDF version of Unraveling the mysteries of sleep forensics.

Sexsomnia: An embarrassing sleep disorder no one wants to talk about

Read the story featuring Dr. Carlos Schenck on CNN.

Sherlock of Sleep Devoted to Understanding Parasomnias

Read the article featuring Dr. Michel Cramer Bornemann on Discover Magazine.

Magazine Articles

Television and video

thumbVid_oregonSymposiumScience behind Sleepwalking – Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Symposium, Newport, Oregon Source: YouTube

thumbVid_ffiFatal insomnia – Fatal familial insomnia is a rare genetic mutation that prevents people from sleeping. Source: ABC News

thumbVid_remREM sleep disorder – Dr. Cramer Bornemann reviews a specific case about a man who attacked his wife while asleep. Source: ABC News

thumbVid_sleepEatingMidnight snack: sleep-eating – One of the first reports in the nation about the association between Ambien and sleep-eating. Source: NBC Today Show

thumbVid_winterSleepwalkingWinter sleepwalking – A south Minneapolis man was found sleepwalking barefoot in 30 degree below zero weather. He most likely never felt any cold or pain since he was sleepwalking. Source: KARE 11 News

thumbVid_busInvestigative report on drowsy bus driving – A sleep-deprived bus driver risked the lives of high school band students. Source: KMSP 9 News


podcastWaking up in the dock – Dr. Cramer Bornemann and other sleep experts discuss several sleepwalking cases Source: BBC Radio Scotland, 21:39 minutes

podcastPlease Explain: Sleep Dr. Cramer Bornemann talks about why we need sleep, why we can’t sleep, and why we aren’t sleeping enough. Source: New York Public Radio, 37:26 minutes

News articles